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Texas Personal Injury Statistics

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Key Takeaways

  • Statistics: In 2022, Katy, Texas, saw 787 traffic crashes, highlighting a significant rise in accidents, with traffic fatalities remaining constant over the past decade.
  • Intersections: Katy’s rapid growth has led to more dangerous intersections, such as 1463 and Hwy 90 and I-10 and Hwy 90, contributing to a rise in crashes and injuries.
  • Workplace Safety: The Texas Department of Insurance reports a decrease in non-fatal work-related injuries in 2022, with an incidence rate of 1.9 per 100 full-time workers, the lowest in a decade.
  • Legal Support: The Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC offers experienced legal guidance for individuals in Katy, Texas, facing challenges from personal injuries due to negligence.

Every year, countless individuals across Texas are affected by personal injuries resulting from various accidents. Understanding the scope and impact of these incidents is crucial for both prevention and seeking appropriate legal recourse.

Texans grappling with personal injuries need compassionate support and experienced legal guidance to navigate their way forward. At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we understand the challenges that arise in the aftermath of an injury caused by negligence. With nearly two decades of experience, Shane McClelland is committed to providing unwavering advocacy and personalized representation to clients in Katy and beyond.

Personal Injury Statistics in Katy, Texas

Nestled in the heart of Texas, Katy is a vibrant community known for its strong sense of camaraderie and growing infrastructure. However, behind the scenes, the city also grapples with its share of accidents and challenges.

Traffic Accidents

In 2022 alone, Katy witnessed a staggering 787 total crashes, 12 of which were deemed serious. These numbers come from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), underscoring the pressing need for heightened awareness and safety measures on our roadways.

The rise in auto collisions is a concerning trend that demands attention. Over the past decade, while the number of fatal collisions has remained steady in Katy, the overall number of crashes has nearly doubled, soaring from 400 in 2012 to the staggering 787 in 2022. This escalation is a reflection of the growing challenges faced by residents and commuters navigating Katy’s roadways.

Dangerous Intersections

As Katy continues to experience exponential growth year after year, more and more intersections are becoming high-risk zones. Between January 1, 2023 and July 24, 2023, the following Katy intersections witnessed a significant volume of crashes:

  • 1463 and Hwy 90: Half of crashes resulted in injuries at this intersection. Ongoing construction, high school traffic, and frequent lane changes contribute to the perilous conditions here.
  • I-10 and Hwy 90: This intersection recorded 19 crashes, causing 3 injuries and 1 fatality. The high-speed traffic coming off the freeway and the necessity for lane changes pose substantial risks.
  • 1463 and I-10: 40 crashes occurred at this site. The high volume of accidents, often involving rear-end collisions with stopped cars, underscores its danger.
  • Katy Fort Bend and I-10: This intersection, where 50% of crashes resulted in injuries, saw 4 crashes resulting in 2 injuries. The heavy retail traffic in the area contributes to the heightened risk.
  • Katy Hockley and Morton: With 40% of crashes leading to injuries, the proximity of this intersection to practice fields and retail traffic adds to its hazardous nature.

It’s imperative for drivers to remain vigilant, avoid distractions, and prioritize safety at all times. Whether approaching a high-speed interchange or navigating lane changes, exercising caution and adhering to traffic regulations can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents. 

Texas Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses: The Numbers

The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation provides valuable insights into work-related incidents.

According to their estimates from 2022, Texas private industry employers reported a total of 178,800 recordable non-fatal cases, marking a notable incidence rate of 1.9 cases per 100 equivalent full-time workers. Interestingly, this represents the lowest rate recorded in the last decade, showcasing promising progress in enhancing workplace safety across the state.

However, even with this positive trend, Texas still faces significant challenges in ensuring the well-being of its workforce. As we celebrate these strides toward safer workplaces, it’s crucial to recognize that every injury or fatality is one too many. At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we remain committed to advocating for the rights of workers and providing support to those impacted by workplace accidents.

Texas Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Facts

Every year, TxDOT releases comprehensive data on motor vehicle traffic crash statistics, providing valuable insights into road safety trends and challenges across the state. Their recently released Texas Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Facts offers a detailed overview of fatalities, injuries, and key contributing factors to crashes on Texas roadways in 2022. Here’s what you should know:

Decrease in Fatalities and Fatality Rate

Despite an increase in the annual vehicle miles traveled, Texas experienced a decrease in the number of motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2022. With a death toll of 4,481, there was a slight decrease of 0.36% from the previous year. Moreover, the fatality rate on Texas roadways decreased to 1.55 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles traveled, marking a 1.99% decrease from 2021. While any decline in fatalities is a positive trend, it’s crucial to continue efforts to enhance road safety further and reduce the loss of lives on Texas roads.

Contributing Factors

Understanding the contributing factors to crashes is essential for implementing targeted interventions to enhance road safety. In 2022, single-vehicle, run-off-the-road crashes resulted in 1,471 deaths, accounting for 32.83% of all motor vehicle traffic deaths. Additionally, crashes occurring in intersections or related to intersections claimed the lives of 1,030 individuals. Distracted driving emerged as a concerning trend, with 484 fatalities attributed to distracted driving, marking an 11.01% increase from the previous year.

Did You or Someone You Love Suffer an Injury in Texas? Contact Us Today

These personal injury statistics reveal a sobering reality of the dangers present on Texas roadways and in our everyday environments. From motor vehicle accidents to slips and falls, the data paints a vivid picture of the risks individuals face in their daily lives.

At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we recognize the profound impact of personal injury accidents on individuals and families. Whether you’ve been injured in a crash or have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, our compassionate legal team is here to provide guidance, support, and personalized representation. Call (713) 987-7107 or fill out our contact form today to get started with a free case review.

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