More than 79,000 dead on Texas roads. It is time to care. Continue reading to learn more.

79,000 LIVES

For more than two decades, Texas has witnessed a daily death toll on its roads, with more than 79,000 innocent people losing their lives in fatal crashes that could have been avoided. Sadly, this trend shows no signs of slowing down, with nearly ten individuals perishing each day in crashes across the state. It is a staggering and devastating figure that calls for immediate action.

As a Katy personal injury attorney, I help individuals and families to achieve justice when a family member has been injured in an accident. Helping others is why I became an attorney and why I so passionately represent my clients and their families in serious injury cases. I would be thrilled to wake up one day soon to find that car accidents are no longer a major cause of tragedy in my home state. If we work together, we can address the underlying causes of car and truck accidents and drastically reduce the number of fatal crashes.


TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) is spearheading the campaign to #EndTheStreakTX, and as part of their efforts, they consulted with Dr. Art Markman, a Psychology professor at the University of Texas, to help better understand the contributing factors behind the alarming rate of traffic fatalities. According to Dr. Markman, one of those factors could be a decline in the sense of community that propels people to care about one another.

Laura Ryan, commissioner of the Transportation Department for Texas and a supporter of TxDOT’s initiative, has called on every Texan to pitch in to end the deadly streak. She acknowledges that the task is a challenging one but reminds people that it is doable. The first step is to start caring for those around us, and since the onset of the pandemic, there has been a general decline in people’s sense of community, making it more challenging to care for one another. Ryan urges Texans to step up and start caring, citing concerns of apathy and a lack of empathy, which have led to the numerous avoidable collisions and fatalities on Texas roads.


The responsibility of keeping the roads safe lies with every Texan, and TxDOT has outlined three strategies to achieve zero fatalities, also known as the 3 E’s: Engineering, Education, and Enforcement. With the power of these three strategies, drivers can safeguard themselves, their passengers, and members of their community.

To put an end to the dangerous streak, TxDOT is urging Texans to follow a few simple guidelines. Drivers are urged to make the safest and most secure judgments when they are behind the wheel, and they must avoid driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Observing traffic rules is another vital step and can save countless lives on the roads. Finally, and most importantly, drivers must always ensure that they buckle up.


In conclusion, it is time for Texans to come together and care for one another. We have lost too many innocent lives to avoidable collisions and fatalities on Texas roads. We can make a difference by following these simple guidelines shared by the Texas DOT.

  1. Drive sober.
  2. Pay attention to the roadway for your sake and for the wellbeing of others.
  3. Buckle up and make sure your passengers also fasten their seatbelts.
  4. Always follow the rules of the road and drive defensively.
  5. Texans are encouraged to post about the campaign and encourage their friends and family to step up to keep the roads safer for all.
  6. Please share this post with friends, family, and associates so that working together we can make Texas roadways safer for everyone. #EndTheStreakTX

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident, the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC can help. Contact our firm for more information.